Mastering Unity’s Lerp Function: A Comprehensive Guide

In Unity game development, the Lerp function is a powerful tool for achieving smooth transitions between values. It stands for linear interpolation, which allows you to smoothly interpolate between two points or values. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the various applications and nuances of the Lerp function in Unity.

Understanding Unity Lerp

Lerp in Unity is the equivalent of mathematical linear interpolation, making it easy to find any point between two positions or values. Imagine you have two positions, X and Y. By using Unity’s Lerp function, you can calculate the midpoint between these positions by passing a third input value of 0.5. In fact, any value between 0 and 1 can be used to find positions along the path from the start to the end.

Lerp is predominantly used with position and rotation, but can also be applied to other cases using Mathf to calculate interpolation values. Unity’s Lerp function works with various data types, including Vector3, Vector2, Quaternion, Mathf, Color, and Material.

Lerp Syntax and Usage

The basic syntax for using Lerp in Unity is as follows:

result = Mathf.Lerp(start, end, t);


  • start represents the initial value;
  • end represents the target value;
  • t is the interpolation variable ranging from 0 to 1.

Unity Lerp for Position (Vector3.Lerp)

When it comes to moving objects smoothly in Unity, the Vector3.Lerp function is your go-to tool. 

It takes three arguments:

  1. The start position;
  2. The end position;
  3. The interpolation value.

To ensure smooth movement, you can incorporate Time.deltaTime to increment the interpolation value. Here’s a typical Vector3.Lerp syntax:

Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, endPosition, interpolationValue);

This function allows objects to move seamlessly from one point to another, and the same code can be adapted for 2D games by replacing Vector3 with Vector2.

Example: Moving an Object Using Lerp

Let’s consider an example where you want an object to move from its start position to the end position over a duration of 5 seconds. The following code achieves this:

using UnityEngine;
public class UnityLerpExample : MonoBehaviour{    Vector3 startPosition;    Vector3 endPosition;    Vector3 offset = new Vector3(5, 0, 0);    float timer = 0;
    void Start()    {        startPosition = transform.position;        endPosition = transform.position + offset;    }
    void Update()    {        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, endPosition, timer / 5);        timer += Time.deltaTime;    }}

Unity Lerp for Rotation (Quaternion.Lerp)

Similarly, you can use Quaternion.Lerp to smoothly rotate objects. This function involves:

  1. The start rotation;
  2. The end rotation;
  3. The interpolation value.

Here’s a basic Quaternion.Lerp syntax:

Quaternion.Lerp(startRotation, endRotation, interpolationValue);

This function gradually rotates a game object from its initial orientation to a specified angle.

Example: Rotating an Object Using Lerp

Suppose you want to rotate a cube from its initial position to a specific angle. Here’s how you can do it:

using UnityEngine;
public class UnityLerpRotationExample : MonoBehaviour{    Quaternion startRotation;    Quaternion endRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 90);    float timer = 0;
    void Start()    {        startRotation = transform.rotation;    }
    void Update()    {        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(startRotation, endRotation, timer / 5);        timer += Time.deltaTime;    }}

Changing Color Using Lerp

The Lerp function in Unity can also be used to smoothly transition between colors. This is particularly useful when you want to change the color of a game object gradually. You can use Color.Lerp to achieve this effect.

Example: Changing Color Gradually

Let’s say you want to transition a cube’s color from black to white. Here’s how you can do it:

using UnityEngine;
public class UnityLerpColorExample : MonoBehaviour{    Renderer colorRenderer;    float timer = 0;
    void Start()    {        colorRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();    }
    void Update()    {        colorRenderer.material.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, timer / 5);        timer += Time.deltaTime;    }}

Making an Object Fade Using Color Lerp

You can also create a fading effect by adjusting the alpha component of the color. However, to achieve a complete fade, ensure that the shader rendering mode is set to “fade” instead of “opaque.” If you don’t want the object to fade completely, you can set the rendering mode to “transparent.”

Unity Lerp for Float Values (Mathf.Lerp)

To interpolate float values in Unity, you can use Mathf.Lerp, which works similarly to other Lerp functions. Here’s the syntax:

Mathf.Lerp(startValue, endValue, interpolationValue);

Let’s say you want to increment a number from 0 to 10 using Mathf.Lerp. Your start value is 0, the end value is 10, and you increment the interpolation value using Unity’s Time.time function.

Example: Incrementing a Float Using Mathf.Lerp

Here’s a sample code to smoothly increment a float from 0 to 10 in 5 seconds:

using UnityEngine;
public class UnityLerpFloatExample : MonoBehaviour{    float startValue = 0f;    float endValue = 10f;    float output;
    void Update()    {        output = Mathf.Lerp(startValue, endValue, Time.time / 5);        Debug.Log(output);    }}

Slowly Zooming the Camera Using Mathf.Lerp

You can use Mathf.Lerp to change the camera’s field of view, simulating a zoom effect. Alternatively, you can move the camera toward a target position using Vector3.Lerp.

Example: Zooming the Camera

To zoom the camera by modifying the field of view using Lerp, use the following code:

using UnityEngine;
public class UnityLerpCameraZoomExample : MonoBehaviour{    float startValue = 80f;    float endValue = 50f;
    void Update()    {        Camera.main.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(startValue, endValue, Time.time / 5);    }}

Unity Lerp Alternatives

While Unity’s Lerp function is incredibly versatile, there are alternative methods you can explore:

  1. Using a Simple Animation: Many tasks achievable with Lerp can also be accomplished using animations in Unity. Animations provide visual control over transitions and can be particularly useful when you prefer a visual approach over writing code;
  2. Mathf.SmoothStep: Similar to Lerp, Mathf.SmoothStep smoothens motion at the endpoints, creating a more natural-looking transition. The syntax for SmoothStep is identical to Lerp, making it easy to use as an alternative.

Comparison Table 

AspectUnity LerpUnity Slerp
PurposeLinear interpolation for smooth transitionsSpherical linear interpolation for smooth rotations
Input DataStart and end values, interpolation value (0 to 1)Start and end rotations, interpolation value (0 to 1)
Use CasesPosition transitions, color transitions, float value transitionsRotational transitions, especially for rotations on a sphere
Ease of UseEasier to use for linear transitionsMore suitable for curved or spherical transitions
ResultProvides a straight-line transition between valuesCreates a curved path or spherical transition
Key BenefitSimplicity and ease of useSmooth rotations with curved paths
Example CodeVector3.Lerp(start, end, t);Quaternion.Slerp(start, end, t);
Typical ApplicationsObject movement, color fading, linear value transitionsObject rotation along a curved path, such as camera movement

Both Lerp and Slerp have their unique advantages and use cases, making them valuable tools in Unity game development. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project, whether it involves linear transitions or smooth rotations.

Video Explanation

In order to explain this topic in more detail, we have prepared a special video for you. Enjoy watching it!


In Unity game development, mastering the Lerp function is essential for creating smooth transitions in movement, rotation, color changes, and more. By understanding the different applications and syntax of Lerp, you can unlock the potential to create seamless and visually appealing experiences in your games.

Lerp, along with its alternatives like Mathf.SmoothStep and animations provide you with the flexibility to achieve a wide range of transitions and animations in your Unity projects. Whether you’re moving objects, rotating them, changing colors, or interpolating float values, Unity’s Lerp function is a valuable tool in your development toolkit.